Friday, July 1, 2011

Into the Firelands

So after a long Hiatus and finding out my friend still played, I recently restarted my WoW account, bum rushed my way into proper gear and joined up Ysera's <Executive Order>. After which I immediately started raiding in the Firelands! It however, wasn't going so great.

We were wiping on trash. It went better as the night went on and we figured out how to deal with all the trash mobs, but still. There was a lot of dying and more to come. We gradually made our way to Shannox, but after a pretty nasty face pull, we gave up after two tries. We moved onto the actual first boss, the one who was supposed to be easier.

Beth'tilac! We spent a while talking about the enounter, as your team needs to divide into tiny groups to deal with massive amounts of adds, damage and the boss itself on the upper level. We sort of worked out a plan, but, well...

We kind of died. A lot. It seemed our strategy and coordination wasn't that great yet. So we worked hard and got to a decent point, but the tank upstairs was dying and well, after that it was just wipe city. We eventually gave up towards the end of the night and started just dicking around, killing trash to get more reputation with the faction in this instance. We went to try another boss, but didn't make it to him when our tank pulled a shit ton of adds and we all died. We'll work harder on Sunday, but our two days so far haven't looked great. We'll see though, I have faith! In the meantime I'll be gearing myself and my new tank while leveling my alts because I cannot play this game without doing 100 things at once.

I also just really enjoy leveling. But we'll see, as I have fourth of July plans to see an old friend who is staying with another friend while he visits from England! Woo! Right now I'm probably just going to goof off for a while.

Also, I have to ask. Anyone out there have good strategies for Beth'tilac? We're doing 25 man so things are lot harder and more chaotic, but any advice would help. I already know a large majority of people have downed 6/7 bosses in 10man, and one guild is even already done with normal and has one heroic boss down. As much as I would love to be in one of those top guilds, I think I'll prefer not having to dedicate several weeks of my life to ONLY this game. Congratulations to them though, as it is a pretty impressive accomplishment.